I joined Ubisoft Leamington in 2017, working as a level designer on Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, working on the open world in the base game and then mission content for the Year 1 Pass. After a few months prototyping on an unannounced project in 2020, I started working remotely for Ubisoft Toronto, inheriting mission content as the project approached its final deadlines.
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2
- Released: March 2019
- Engine: Snowdrop
- Contributions:
- Open world (the East half of Downtown East)
- Side missions
- Rooftop Gardens
- MLK Library Community
- Odea Retail Store
- Rayburn House
- DLC – Classified Assignment
- NSA Security Alert
- Tens Nightclub
Unannounced Project
- Engine: Anvil
- Rapidly prototyping gameplay spaces
Far Cry 6
- Engine: Dunia
- Missions
For each area/mission in my remit, I was responsible for:
- Researching the location/setting
- Planning and prototyping
- Pitching these plans, presenting to directors alongside design documentation
- Designing the spaces
- Blocking out areas for activities, mission beats, combat and navigation
- Focus on smooth gameplay and clear readability
- Working with art and narrative to ensure world logic is adhered to
- Working with tech to ensure no budgets are breached
- Logic setup
- Scripting missions
- Scripting puzzles
- Setting up open world spawners/activities/etc
- Iteration
- Ensuring smoothness/readability are retained as art is taken to final quality
- Presenting to directors and responding to feedback
- Working with other disciplines (often across studios internationally) to bring all required content to final quality
- Polish and bugfixing